lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Enladrillado Report - English Version

A strange Platform

This is a Report originally written to Klaus Dona.

Enladrillado it's a very ancient and huge platform, made from big stone blocks.
A lost in time and advanced civilization made it probably for the landing of antigravitational flying machines. 

The answer of its true origin is still unsolved.

By Patricio Ahumada

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To the Reader………………………….………………………………………   
My Arrival……………………………………………………………… 
Sketches and measures of the stones in centimeters ……………………
The Equinox……………………………………………………………
About the summit where Enladrillado lies………………………….….
Anothers interesting places……………………………………………..
Polynesian contact………………………………………………………
Strange stones in Chile……………………………………………….....
Coordenades of Mentioned Places……………………………………...
Full Resolution Images Link…………………………………………..   

To the Reader

Excuse my English, I wrote this helped with a translator. I am doing my best to write clearly to  bring you this special information.
If you can help me to improve this translation, I will be very grateful.
You can send the improvements to my mail that you can find at the end of this document.



Enladrillado is located in Chile, in the Seventh Region of Maule, 12 kilometers east of the foothills town of high Vilches, which is 42 kilometers east of the city of Talca and about 1800 meters above the sea.

The dimension of the platform is: length 150 meters; width 70 meters, and its highest point reaches 3 meters. These measurements are approximate because the effect of erosion and rockfalls cannot get the exact dimension (IIEE, 1983)
Enladrillado is considered a hot spot for UFO sightings.

Many people and rangers of Altos del Lircay's national park have seen flying objects, and strange lights in the sky.

Enladrillado means "With Bricks" (brick is “ladrillo” in spanish) because the stones has a red-orange color like construction bricks.
The problem is that various these bricks are huge.

My Arrival

On February 20, 2013 I arrived at the summit of that mountain, after several hours of hiking and approximately 11 kilometers away

On Internet there was no enough information and photos about the stones, so I decided to measure and make a record of them.

My tools were

- Tape measure
- Compass
- Notebook
- Digital Camera

Upon arrival I started making measurements of different stones of the surface. I realized it had the most different sizes and shapes.

In some places the stones has regular shapes, and in others not.
Stone ordinations can timidly appreciate over the platform, and these alignments do not correspond with any cardinal point or place, this is corroborated with satellite photographies.

If the compass is very near to the stones, it is deviated with respect to north.

According to the study of the IIEE (Institute for Research and Exobiological Studies) the rocks has a mineral called "magnetite" which has the ability to alter the magnetic compass heading.

Unfortunately I did not have much time up there, my measurements were poor and I failed to do a deeper register.
But the main can be found in this document.
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There are two kinds of platform, one looks (for my) more “recent”, and the other older.
The latest is made with red and smaller stones.

The oldest has black and larger stones.

Note: No walls were observed, and if there was any, they are destroyed.
I did not find symbols on stones

The image below: These are the only ruins can be found over the platform.

Below, a theoretical sketch of how the stones are arranged on the platform.

Below: Sketches and measures of the stones in centimeters and how the stones are arranged in one corner.

Below. The sketched stone that measures 340 cm height.

Measuring Smaller stones, approximately 90 cm.

Measuring the width of this stone

It is about 80cm

I found strange markings on stones
In this photograph it sees concavities, one of which is circular.

Another strange circular concavity

Stones and my Notepad

In the picture below, you can see the how eroding ground sink the platform on the edges.

Beyond the main platform there are more ruins, these are totally destroyed and no more regularities can be observed, they are only scattered stones.
Every winter, snow erodes these rocks, destroying them a little bit more.

The Equinox

During September 21 and March 21 equinoxes we can see that the sun rises from "Descabezado Grande" (The big unheaded) volcano.
The images belong to Youtube videos.
Addresses can be found in the linkography.

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About the summit where Enladrillado lies.

The hill has a different shape to the most of the surrounding hills.
First. Has a flattened surface aspect.
Has a reserve of water on it.

Theoretical drawing of the flattened hill

Near Enladrillado is a place called "Radal Siete tazas" (seven coups), a "natural" formation that consist in seven mini consecutive waterfalls.

Other interesting places

On the coast of Cobquecura, there is a hill made of rock, which is hollow inside. It is called "Iglesia de Piedra"(Church made of Stone). The villagers in the area have told me that was a Mapuche settlement nearby, there it was found arrowheads and pottery.

It says that they did magic rituals within this cave.
Apparently it's a natural cave formed by the entrance of seawater.

91.5 kilómeters at north, curiously, there are another hollow cave in the coast.
It is near from Constitución, and people call this cavern, Piedra de la Iglesia, (Stone of the Church).

9.7 km south from stone church of Cobquecura there is another cave, less known called Cueva de los Patos (Duck’s Cave)

A couple of years ago I was thinking if there are similar hollow hills around covered with soil.

In Chile there are many caves, but these are the strangest and most famous of which I have knowledge.

Satellital Images

Inside Iglesia de Piedra

Inside Piedra de la iglesia

Salto del Laja

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Close to the City of Angels is a waterfall called, Saltos del Laja.
When I went it caught my attention that this cascade was composed of a huge flat platform made of volcanic rock.
There no volcanoes "near" and I felt that the energy of this place was out of the normal.



Polynesian contact

In recent years, considerable evidence has emerged suggesting pre-Columbian contact between the Mapuche and Polynesians. In December 2007, several human skulls with Polynesian features, such as a pentagonal shape when viewed from behind, were found lying on a shelf in a museum in Concepción. These skulls originated from Mocha Island. Professor Lisa Matisoo-Smith of the University of Otago and José Miguel Ramírez Aliaga of the University of Valparaíso hope to win agreement soon with the locals of Mocha Island to begin an excavation search for Polynesian remains on the island. (Wikipedia, 2014)

For more information about Polynesian contact, a PDF document can be downloaded at:!225&authkey=!AG862yZ9K9g9Deg&ithint=file%2cpdf

Strange stones in Chile
In Chile there are strange toroidal shaped stones, these are disseminated in the central territory.

According to my knowledge, these can be found from the fourth region of Coquimbo, until the ninth region of Araucanía.
Some stones were found in Peru, Colombia even in Mexico.
Maybe these stones can be found in many other places.
No one knows how these stones were made, and why the makers made thousands and thousands of them.
Nobody knows their true use, even the natives of the area.
There are only theories and these do not convince many people.
We only know that the toroidal shape is of great importance in physics and electromagnetism.
All Chilean museums have this stones in exhibition because there are many!
Even, many people keep this stones at their home as ornament.
You can find more information in Spanish as “Piedras Horadadas”.

Coordinates of the described places.

(Decimal Degrees)

Latitude  -35.601377°
Longitude -70.973964°

Big Unheaded Volcano (Descabezado Grande)
Latitude  -35.586937°
Longitude -70.751536°

Iglesia de piedra   (Cave)
Latitude  -36.093820°
Longitude -72.813874°

Piedra de la iglesia (Cave)
Latitude  -35.328594°
Longitude -72.433991°

Saltos del Laja (Strange Cascade)
Latitude  -37.215607°
Longitude -72.383482°

Radal Siete Tazas (Seven Coups)
Latitude  -35.460985°
Longitude -71.026814°

Cueva de los patos (Cave)
Latitude  -36.182908°
Longitude -72.818757°

Mocha Island (Isla Mocha)
Latitude  -38.385075°
Longitude -73.915340°

Another Flat Hill Near Enladrillado
From this point, solstitium sun rises from Blue Mountain

Latitude  -35.537713°
Longitude -71.017342°


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Fantastic work!